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총학생회 입후보자 최종 등록공고


민족고대세종 총학생회 총학생회장 입후보자 유하나(신소재화학과07)

민족고대세종 총학생회 부총학생회장 입후보자 조용민(고고미술사학과08)


으뜸구호 : 권리를 향해 도약하는 당신의 청춘을 위해 청춘도약



1. 대학생의 교육권 찾기

2. 대학생의 참정권 찾기

3. 학점 이월제 시행

4. 토익 응시료 지원 제도 마련

5. Wifi 복수인증제 시행

6. 도서관 2층 장애학우 이동 경사로 설치

7. 학생회관 / 학술정보원 리모델링

8. 학내위탁업체 계약 이행 촉구 (ex. 커피빈, 구내식당 등)

9. 학생 자치공간 확보 (소모임실 / 동아리 연습실)

10. 남학우 휴게실 마련

11. 학술정보원 2층 로비 멀티탭 추가 설치, 로비 책걸상 높이 조절

12. 명사 초청 강연

13. 잔디밭 문화 살리기

14. 도서관 야식존 설치

15. 전체 강의실 대관절차 간소화 (단과대마다 다른 기준을 가장 간소한 절차로 통일)

16. 장애학우를 위한 자동문 설치

17. 흡연구역 설치

18. 농활 / 5.18 / 국토대장정 / 등산

19. 이동 학생회

20. 열린 총학생회

21. 회의 / 안건보고

22. 투명한 재정보고

23. 할동보고

24. 소식지




애국인문대학 학생회장 최종 등록 공고


민족고대세종 애국인문대학 학생회장 입후보자 정의화(사회학과08)


으뜸구호 : 권리를 향해 도약하는 당신의 청춘을 위해 청춘도약



1. 대학생의 교육권 찾기

2. 대학생의 참정권 찾기

3. 인문대 로비 활용

4. 깡통 앞 시설개선

5. 인문대 피씨실 프린터 개선

6. 화장실 가글 설치

7. 인문대 내 게시판 관리 및 확충

8. 인문대 세미나실 개방

9. 로비 컴퓨터 관리 및 개선

10. 체육도구 대여

11. 명사 초청의 계승

12. 건의함 설치

13. 건의자보 설치 및 건의 해결

14. 인문대 SNS 구축

15. 공론장 만들기

16. 인문대 게릴라




자주과학기술대학 학생회장 최종 등록공고


민족고대세종 자주과학기술대학 학생회장 입후보자 박비호(디스플레이반도체물리학과08)


으뜸구호 : 권리를 향해 도약하는 당신의 청춘을 위해 청춘도약



1. 대학생의 교육권 찾기

2. 대학생의 참정권 찾기

3. 학과 커리큘럼 개선

4. 예/결산 공개를 통한 실험환경 개선

5. 원하는 분야의 교양수업 신설

6. 언제나 찾아올 수 있는 과학기술대학 학생회실

7. 과학기술대학 출범식

8. 소식지 발간

9. 크림슨 환경 개선

10. 스마트폰 전용 충전기 설치

11. 잔디밭 술자리 문화 권장

12. 명사 초청 강연

13. 중고물품 장터




선진경상대학 학생회장 최종 등록 공고


민족고대세종 선진경상대학 학생회장 입후보자 이현재 (경영정보학과08)


으뜸구호 : THE하기



1. 문자 서비스

2. 각 층 테마로비

3. A4용지 무상공급

4. 외국어 능력향상 프로그램

5. 경상대 축제 규모 확장

6. 정보관련 잡지 제공

7. 경상관 로비 야간 온도조절

8. 지속적인 캠페인 실시



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    15355 2011.11.21 00:00
    개표 조건과 당선 조건 공고바랍니다.
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    작성자 청춘고함최가람 2011.11.21 00:00
    네 알겠습니다^^
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    SDSD 2011.11.21 00:00
    We have all lose some extra weight only to locate that it swiftly finds its way back again on again.http://www.puretiffanys.com/ , actuality is, most diets on the marketplace are unsuccessful for that reason which they fail to concentrate on the exact dynamics of lengthy phrase sustainable extra weight loss, the situation all of us desire.http://www.elegantentiffany.com/ , to possess the ability to help you collectively with your diet, I have suit collectively these best 5 "must know" strategies.http://www.ghdbillige.com/ , as shortly when you consider these onboard, you will possess the exact blueprint how the health and fitness gurus teach.http://www.monclerabuonmercat.com/ ,

    1. bodily exercise will often cost up extra fat deprivation - Fact

    If you desire to realize success lengthy phrase and preserve the extra weight off, you need to really do some type of exercise. Your 30 instant exercise routines twice every month will make certain you improve your center cost and cost up your metabolism. You can even do them in 15 instant slots, 4 occasions every week, there is no repaired rule here. as shortly when you can't run, walking is frequently a remarkable method to acquire you moving. Give it a try, for that reason that most ideal after a few of days you will certainly lose undesirable extra fat away from your areas you most desire.

    2. Your food diary - preserve a log of anything you eat

    This alone could be considered a determining element on no subject whether you lose extra weight or not for that reason that you just need to preserve keep track of of that which you are eating, and how a terrific offer too. you might not have observed how a terrific offer you snack, or that which you are snacking on is truly bad for you. developing subtle modifications will often create a massive distinction when embarking upon any diet plan program. exactly the very same goes with portion size. you may be thinking, who cares if I consume an additional 200 unhealthy calories every evening a terrific offer much more than I should. This equates to an additional 1400 unhealthy calories every month also it is almost a whole times worth of food additional that you just do not need. This prospects to steady extra weight gain, so often log anything you eat, such since the sort of food, as well as the amount. You can then reflect on this and see in which you can minimize back again or replace particular food using a more healthy alternative.

    3. The healthful mindset

    Do not much more than burden your do it yourself with attempting to lose a stone within of a week. Firstly, you need to have one of the most ideal whole body fuel, which shows a controlled diet. Does your car work nicely on water? No, as well as your whole body does not work really nicely as shortly when you consume extra fatty oils either. as shortly when you stay determined, you are presently half way there.

    4. Overeating - all of us do it

    There are several delivers about why we choose to consume a terrific offer much more than our whole body requires. this could be named comfort or habit eating. As pointed out earlier, individuals additional unhealthy calories shortly escalate, right up until you are overeating by every individual evening a month devoid of even knowing. as shortly when you are stressed, angry, alone or have other triggers for example depression, these can all guide to overeating occasionally. Remember the healthful mindset from point three and get your do it yourself back again on track.

    5. Portion control

    As this could be an really important element when attempting to lose weight, we include it within of a terrific offer more detail here. try and minimize lower in your portion sizes, even only a few occasions every month to begin with. An remarkable method to cut back portion usage will be to not consume most ideal after 6 or 7pm within of the evening. this could be as shortly when you may be very least energetic therefore your whole body is burning much less calories. as shortly when you are hungry and would would rather eat, snack on the thing healthful previous to bed, but only as shortly when you must.

    There you have it, the best 5 components that are stopping you from dropping weight. There are other factors, so preserve studying for that reason how the a terrific offer more you learn, the a terrific offer more extra weight you will lose.

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